
Animal Crossing Gamecube (2002)

Wild World was my first Animal Crossing game, so I played the original (English language) Animal Crossing later on. My introduction to the gamecube version of the game was watching JVGS Jeff's videos about it on YouTube. It was cool, to young me, that an Animal Crossing game had holidays like Halloween and Thanksgiving. To those who never played Wild World, every holiday in that game was completely made up. Like many others, my favorite holiday was the Sport Festival!

Growing up, my dad, brother, and I would stop by the same thrift shop every week just to see what new was in. One of those visits, I found the Gamecube version of the game and convinced my dad to get it for my brother and I. Lucky find! I can't remember exactly when this was. It was after I had started playing WW but before I played City Folk. Unlike what happened when I started City Folk, I continued playing my Wild World town at the same time I maintained my Gamecube one. The GC town felt 'secondary' and 'less serious.' I have no idea why I felt like that lol.

One cool feature was the Gameboy advance compatability with the game. Players could design Able Sisters clothes using the Gameboy. Most prominently, it gave the players access to the Island! I remember loving the pixel-style island mini-game for the Gameboy. It made me wish there was a pixel-style Animal Crossing game.

I also don't remember my villagers as well as other games, so here are the ones I REMEMBER having in my town. I'm sure there were more that I just forgot about though.