I can't believe June is already about halfway done! Time really passes by so quickly, especially when you're busy. I just finished up my Spring term, and I'm moving onto my final term before graduation. I'm excited to finish my degree, but DAMN time really passes by! This feeling is exacerbated because my birthday was a few days ago as well... It always seems to sneak up on me, and it hardly feels like a year has passed already. The flow of time is endless and unyielding!!

I always tell myself that I should RELAX over break, but I just can't stop saying yes to things! In general, I think that Shonda Rhimes was right in saying that you should default to yes. Never thoughtlessly shut an open door! Buuuut I always end up agreeing to do a lot of things, and I never seem to slow down even when I mean to. LOL! This isn't a bad problem to have, if it's even a problem at all. But when I have a rare day where I have nothing planned, I don't know what to do with myself. It always brings a feeling of 'What am I forgetting?'

This summer I already have a lot of plans. Maybe I should PLAN to do nothing for a couple weeks. The worry with staying busy all the time is burnout, of course. I would hate to exhaust myself emotionally before moving onto the next part of my life.

ANYWAY, I hope to play some games and go swimming this summer. Even if I'm busy, I hope to have a lot of fun. What are you going to do this summer?

Current Stats

Mood: Excited

Listening to: Sisters of Mercy

Reading: Creating a Champion - Zelda Artbook

Watching: Spy x Family

Playing: Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom

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